flying2010 » fly in the sky - an blag de flying2010 Logáil isteach

Cruthaigh Blog!

i like the feel that fly in the sky !

** Comhroinn ar an bhlag **

Eolas ginearálta


Cruthú: 19/08/2010 10:08
Nuashonraigh: 20/08/2010 07:27
Airteagail 6
Cuairteanna na seachtaine 1904
Cuairteanna iomlán 583

flying2010 :: fly in the sky

flying2010 níl aon bhlag eile!

United States - flying2010
Position: 1991/56779 baill

Na míreanna atá curtha in eagar ó sine a is déanaí!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Airteagal: Depressed and happy distance (A) - 19/08/2010 10:11

Only one person can experience the heart to read the True Meaning of the FOLLOWING .
In a Time When people feel depressedghd rettetang , Because of Their suppressed .

In this case we can only deal squarely em .

Do not be afraid depressed , Because It Is urged us to courageously break -through the resistance of the prelude .

Although depressed people less complacent , too little progress . The More Dissatisfied With Their current situation , feel depressed and Unwilling to compromise by the people, the more Because
Eager to break freerettetang ghd , Goal Their potential can finally Be successful.

" Depression " Is Not Satisfied with Their Own , the people around Him, Things are Not Satisfied . Want to live more enriched , with Some Success , goal can not do a
Disappointed Anxious or feeling. Also It Is The Driving Force behind efforts up .
As Often we feel the loss and spiritual emptiness , why try to add THEY Much to the Purpose and Meaning of Life, so vivid and Abundance of Life
Fu. Often it led to ponder and create.

Almost everyone HAD In Their youth Feel That They Are not Happyrettetang. Is not rich but not happy . On the Contrary , to feel unhappy Precisely Because
Music , so it rich .

Socrates said: " If everybody on earth , Suffering together , allow you to choose , You May Still Be Willing To choose Their Own Original
Of Which sub. "This shows the Individuals That Have to Their Own adapted bread .

" Fortunate people , " Is The Wisdom of course , "people in pain in " order also " I do not know bread. "At least, it Does not like The Spectator are
Imagination Their Own calculated previously imagined golden bread. When adversity comes, People Will Have to adapted Naturally , Partly Because Of The Bread We Have to adapted ,
Can Develop Their potential to transcend the pain ghd straightener, n It Is Often a blessing in disguise .
When Faced with difficulties arising , in addition to courage , perseverance, Wisdom and experience , the more Need to calm . Cool to Play Because Of The potential of 10 million
Irritability of the heart not to look at a thing too . Steady steps to make clear is the outcome FILED .

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Airteagal: Depressed and happy distance (B) - 19/08/2010 10:12

Years , as a graver , endless carved things in the world has all kinds of life carved wedge . Everything is its world
Mold , no one can escape its sharp edge . Clouds of heaven , earth, grass , desert dust, each one small , each a green jungle
Leaves , the elderly head of white hair and wrinkled face of his works ghd hair straightener, boys and girls eyes of the pure and passion is his impressionistic . Everyone
Please treasure it all , in the long course of years , we are so small , weak . Even if we can not leave this river in their makeup,
The sum , we can at least carries loveghd flat iron , who love each other with their totter through the rest of the journey , when we reach the end , they will not
There are too many regrets.
Feeling this thing is too difficult for people to digest, we can not figure out in time , the way the emotional "heart" were injured to a certain extent
Time , sometimes you really want to cry , but tears of time , heartache , want hard , but when the sound but Kubu Chu , no tears
When this is the most painful time .

Just like a person climbing the mountain above his ideal ghd iron, but because of his careless , and instantly fell as the abyss . Do you understand this

Many people in life , we are uncertain , and even hard to detect . However , we do not have to care about , much less to complain about . Our only
One can do on the calm to face . Only his face stand out , and will make people feel open and aboveboard .
Frankly to face everything in life , and good treatment for everyone around , happy live each day , spend each happy
When the fun into every minute , the only way we will not feel too much, too many regrets ... ...

A person's life be long or short ,ghd hair straightener a person's life may be sweet and sour , a person's love or have a shallow depth , a person's happiness is also
There will be concentrated light ; However, the real life want to live in the present environment, is really a challenge.

Sometimes depression and happiness is only separated by a piece of paper .

Upset because you want too much , too much fuss .

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Airteagal: Gray 's free - 19/08/2010 10:13

Winter 's evening , so beautiful . In particular, little moisture in the cold rain , the people feel the chill off guard .
I am tired of ride a bike ghd straightener, the feeling of speeding in the street , yet inexplicably in love with carrying a shoulder bag and a small trail in the shed all the leaves look depart . I remember one time I suddenly found that the total payable to walk past me, but now it has been abandoned like to look at the floor , Could I have gone in search of time and memory ? "People always try to grow up when faced with frustrations . "This statement I have already forgotten that in mind when the . That piece was trampled several times , past the multicolored leaves told me, people always die in the attempt to recall a mature ... ...
This year the end of the year , so lonely . The balcony of a person , I often see my Napen down to the flowers of Begonia . Her side , there is a gray-black crow enjoy bathing in a twilight . Once I hate crows . Not only because of its appearance is not the United States, called up and not touchingghd , more importantly, its reputation is too bad . Crow , always a symbol of bad luck . I think it is even crows have been vulgar , it eat it eat everything , even dirty, making it difficult to accept. Thrush and oriole singing in the wings when the people are always accompanied by constant applause and appreciation of the eye . In the face of the crow , but could not say how the words to praise him . People want such an unlucky crow like , nasty things far away from life. As everyone knows , the more so that more can feel the filth of life was actually the more so .
Put your ideas and beautiful from the aesthetic to pull out , you will like me come to realize the discovery . Perfect world too demanding , always leaving the shadow of mistakes . I am afraid that the tragedy of the crow is so caused it . Those known as the beautiful bird birds who want to exhaust all the way to show their beauty to the people to see . Sometimes I regret , and the birds know that left to their own meaning of life . And we are mad confused . But I crow - a bird being disdained , there is another understanding .
Crow is really dirty it? crow really so vulgar , not their direction and meaning ? I sometimes do for this so-called "brings bad luck , "" just guarding the door of death , " the gray bird against injustice .lisseur ghd Beautiful appearance is not wrong? Chirping is not wonderful fall it? crow when I looked at the silhouette in the twilight under , alone when his Tanwan . Crow has raised his head , exposing deep eyes , open gray wings , and flew toward the setting sun . Ears only out to him vague tweet away . He had such disdain for his misunderstanding of the people . He did not care how ugly it will be on how the crime added to his body .
People to pursue happiness , the pursuit of glory , the pursuit to be a compliment by people who were extremely perfect . Sometimes I often lingered , I should pursue it? I again cast their eyes to the crows . Ugly , vulgar , inferior , evil ... ... so many adjectives added to his body . These are all destined to the crow is a tragedy that people in the eyes of ah . That he pursue it? Pursuit of one day wash away the bad name it? No, he does not think so , can not think so . He now face with nature with a heart , the pursuit of freedom . People will not use vaginal hot ugly means to capture an unparalleled birds , in the hope far away from him . Crows will never be the people in a cage , like an oriole's been watching with the same . Even a pair of beautiful wings ? But since the inability to Flying ah . How to lose the freedom of the birds will be complete , as those who lost their thinking be people? I appreciate the crows know freedom, respect for freedom . Are not his short 10 years of his life , leaving behind traces of freedom , leaving the meaning of life ? Why he does not deserve our praise it ?
In Western countries, crows and even people expelled . They only fly a few people is interested in the cemeteryghd planchas . The grave keeper, never expelled crow . Because the cemetery is not exactly the people the impression that the crow of the stay in this place? Oh , people always to be forced down their will naturally do , is it that God only allowed to stay in the provisions of the crow cemetery it? But even so, the crow 's freedom is not stripping . They flock to places where they want to go , do what they want to do. World mighty , Milky he willing to do a gray crow , to avoid the hypocrisy of the righteous , death came to the door , looking for his yearning for freedom. He certainly had lingered , there was hesitation , his walk is it of no return ? Call of mind finally told him that world there is no absolute right or wrong , is that if you create value there .
Ming weeping crow , and he wore a gray feathers . It was not disguised . No one told you the color of freedom must be colorful .
Do not know why,He always loved those flowers with my dump suffering , often see him on the balcony with flowers companion . He is lonely ? Alone deep in the earth ? In addition to fame and fortune aside crow , seeking freedom of the high quality, but I also appreciate his dedication to companion while . Pecking carrion crow like a very wide range . They found a piece of carrion , the always companions were invited to eat , will not themselves pocketed . Omnivorous crow is not realized he was vulgar , are we human beings do not omnivore ? We all know that people do not necessarily share this truth.
The sky without leaving a trace , but I had flown - Tagore said , "Maybe crow dream of becoming an eagle attempt failed, but innocent children told us that it is the brave ! "


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Airteagal: Lifetime learning to be human - 20/08/2010 07:24

One philosopher said:LifeThe ultimate isDull.
Life we need to exhaust a lifetime to learn . In ourGrowingWay or any time of life ghd, we need to constantly correct their legal line , so that their own position in the heart of good into the United StatesLifeStage winCommunityLife , the trust of others .
We came to this world from the moment , we have used pureHeartTo feelParentsOf the body talk religion, How many ears dye present on human behavior . Of course, education of parents is the best example , is that their life 'sKind-hearted,TolerantAnd the love of my life , a little dip of all our mental and physical ; and the first of the school , also receivedTeacherHave on life at a deeper level of education , let us read the truth in life , the philosophy of doing things . This stage of our wholeLifeHave great benefit lisseur ghd, because we have a man of knowledge capital , and the ability to identify behavior , let us know what is life .
LifeTargetCombined with a man with only aFineOfHope. When we took part in the work , really took to the community , read and seen people's entire life of the real . Department of man and establish the world is not that simple , just to own a good heart toWarmIt were ghd planchas, in fact, not all. Because the coexistence of beauty and ugliness , and true and false , then the life is really helpless , selfish side of people enjoy the fun will be showing off in front of you . Too many times we have to curry favor in order to survive and become sophisticated about refined , smooth , in fact, this is a man living in order to adapt to life and society quite upset .
Sometimes, a man let us lot of thought , just as philosophers put it, the ultimate life is boring , but really they do this , few , because of peopleDesire, Ethics,Training, their quality of different people are different , is as follows: people with clustering , objects to class hours,glätteisen very able to represent this.
We need to keep living life to learn , but life sometimes carry us in theLifeHave not read it forever . This requires us to be learning to be human life , and still is to do the most good and the plain truth .