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i like the feel that fly in the sky !

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Kreyasyon: 19/08/2010 10:08
Mete ajou: 20/08/2010 07:27
Awtik 6
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flying2010 :: fly in the sky

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United States - flying2010
Pozisyon: 1975/56779 manm

Bagay sa yo ranje soti nan pi ki pi resan!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikatik: This fish care - 20/08/2010 07:26

o aStory。
One morning after a storm , a man came to walk along the beach . As he walked along the coast side , side note , the beach, shallow water Wali , was last night 's storm ghd glätteisen, many volumes to the fish ashore . They are trapped in shallow water Wali , unable to return to the sea , though close at hand . Trapped fish , there may be hundreds or even thousands of them. Pretty soon , the water will be shallow Wali dry sand , the sun and dry then the fish will dry death .
Men continued to walk forward .ghd styler He suddenly saw in front of a small boy walked slowly, and constantly bent in every puddle next to go - he picked up the puddles of fish and force them Renghui sea . The man stopped and gazed at the little boy , he saved a small fish to see theirLife。
Finally, the man could not help but go in the past : "My child, that there are hundreds of thousands of puddles small fish , but come to save you . "
"I know. " The little boy replied without looking up .
"Oh ? Why are you still throwing ?ghd norge Who cares? "
" This fish care ! " boy as he replied , while picking up a fish into the sea. " This mind , this also depends on ! And this one , this one , this one ... ... "
Today, are you hereUniversityLife. Each of you , will be here to learn how to save lives. Although you can not save the whole world , save the entire Chinese people , and even save a province of a city person , but you can still save some people , you can reduce theirPain. Because of your existence , their lives are different from - you can make their lives moreFine.ghd rettetang This is you can and will do it .
Here, IHopeYour hard work,StriveTo learn , neverGive up! Remember : " This fish care ! this fish care ! And this one , this one , this one ... ... "

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikatik: Enlarge your advantage - 20/08/2010 07:27

SAn impoverished youth, went to Paris , hopingFatherOfFriendCan help him find a chore to make a living .

"Math proficiency you , " rettetang ghdhis father's friend asked him. Young shook his head. "History , geography what? "youth shook his head . "That's the law? "youth hung his head with embarrassment . Series of questions his father's friends , young people can only shake his head to tell each other their own with ------ advantages could not find any way to . "You first address, write it down . " youth write down his address , turned to go , he was his father's friends, one got hold of : rettetang" your name written in beautiful Well, this is your advantage ah , you should not onlyMeetFind a subsistence job. " Years later, young people really write world-renownedClassicWork . He is well-known famous 18th century French writer Alexandre Dumas .

Many world from mediocrity , have some small advantage , butInferiorityOften ignored. In fact, eachDullOfLifeIn , all contain a wealth of gold , as long as willing to dig ,ghd straightener you dig that surprised themselves treasure ... ...